Fundamentals of the Faith
Fundamentals of the Faith (FOF) by John MacArthur, consists of thirteen Lessons to grow in the grace and knowledge of Jesus Christ.
FOF has played a key role in the spiritual growth of many believers. It provides believers with a rock-solid theological foundation. It helps mature Christians sharpen their understanding of key doctrines and equips them for evangelism and discipleship. It fosters the only kind of unity that truly means anything in the church--unity based on a shared understanding of God's truth.
Of course the power in the curriculum is not in its format or layout, bu in the Word of god on which it is based. We know that that when the Holy Spirit uses His Word in people's hearts, their lives are transformed. That's why our ministry is thrilled to use these materials as part of our teaching offerings for the benefit and blessing of those who complete the course to the glory of God.
Teachers: Richard Valenzuela, Keith Martin,
Meetings to be scheduled in 2023. Will meet virtually (Zoom) on a day and time to be determined.
Want to join this Bible study?
Please email: Richard Valenzuela, Keith Martin